How Can I Choose the Right IT Asset Disposal Services?

How Can I Choose the Right IT Asset Disposal Services?

Published: March 24, 2021

There are numerous reasons to consider IT asset disposition. Maybe you’re upgrading your home computer, or you have an overflow of old tech you don’t use stashed in your closet. 

Alternatively, maybe you’re overhauling your entire office, and you have hundreds of computers that are still in great shape, or you’re upgrading your employees’ technology to ensure success during these unprecedented times. 

Whatever the case may be, you’re looking for the right IT asset disposal services for you. The IT asset disposition ITAD market is flooded with providers, and it can easily get confusing if you’re not sure what you’re looking for in terms of IT asset disposal services

Read on to learn what you need about secure IT asset disposal and the benefits you can reap from finding the right service provider. 

The What and Why of IT Asset Disposition

So, let’s start from the top. 

What is IT asset disposition? And why should you be interested in procuring these services

When you’re replacing or eliminating old computers, PCs, Chromebooks, laptops, smartphones, or tablets from your home or office, you can’t just toss them in the trash or recycling bin. There are guidelines and protocols in place, and the first step of the asset disposal process flow starts with you.

Some IT asset disposal services will not only take your tired tech off your hands but also make the necessary repairs, refurbish the equipment, upgrade and update parts and operating systems, replace old batteries, and basically wave our magic wand to make these computers as good as new. 

What are the benefits of secure IT asset disposal? Glad you asked!

  • Reputable companies can bridge the digital divide by donating refurbished assets to underprivileged communities where kids need computers to learn virtually. 
  • Consider the environment. Why toss a computer into a landfill when you can follow the reuse/reduce/recycle method? Even if a computer is irreparable, an IT asset disposal service can properly recycle the parts so they stay out of our landfills, reducing your carbon footprint—which is so important.
  • You’ll get a return on your investment. Your old tech is worth money, and you can receive top-dollar for your computers. 
  • You don’t have to worry about your sensitive data being compromised. A great IT asset disposal service ensures your data is erased and destroyed following NIST guidelines and can never be retrieved. 

What Is the IT Asset Disposal Process Flow?

Let’s take it from the top. 

When you secure the services of an IT asset disposal service, what exactly happens? 

First, get in touch with the IT asset disposal company and share some information about what you need. Do you have an office with 200 computers? Are you updating your home technology and simply have a couple of Chromebooks and a few tablets? Are you moving and found a stash of computers from over the years, or are you trying to upgrade your child’s learning laptop? 

From there, the company team gets busy repairing, cleaning, refurbishing, and replacing to give your tech a full makeover. It is important to destroy sensitive data and even provide you with a certificate you can keep for your records stating when, where, and how data destruction took place. Peace of mind, here you come!

Next, you can either donate tech to help bridge the digital divide, make a difference across the country, or sell your refurbished tech at an affordable price point for people who need a great computer but don’t have a big budget.

You’ll end up pocketing some funds, you’ll keep dangerous electronics out of our landfills, and you can now purchase new tech. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. 

How Do I Choose Secure IT Asset Disposal?

It can be exhausting to find a certified, trustworthy, and reliable IT asset disposal services provider from the many in the IT asset disposition ITAD market. 

Here are a few factors to keep in mind while you shop for superior IT asset disposal services. 


  • Look for a company seeking to make a positive difference and not just make a dollar.
  • Ensure the IT asset disposal service is certified and follows proper government and federal regulations regarding data destruction. 
  • Take note of environmental concerns. 
  • Make sure you’re going to get the maximum return on your investment!

Want to put yourself in the best IT asset disposal services‘ hands? Then contact us at PlanITROI today to find out how we can help provide you with top-notch secure IT asset disposal today.

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