How to Achieve Absolute Data Destruction

How to Achieve Absolute Data Destruction

Published: March 19, 2021

Whether you’re upgrading your office’s entire computer system, trading in your home laptop, or liquidating a whole business, absolute data destruction is the most important piece in the asset disposition puzzle. Find out more about absolute data destruction and why it’s so necessary when it comes to disposing of your electronic assets.

What Is Secure Data Destruction?

Secure data destruction doesn’t just mean your hard drive is wiped or cleared out. It means, with 100 percent certainty, that a professional asset disposition company has followed the rules and guidelines for data erasure set forth by the GDPR data destruction policy (General Data Protection Regulation) to safely and securely erase data in a way in which it can never be retrieved again.

Absolute data destruction means that even the most seasoned hacker, forensics tech analyst, or investigator can in no way bring back any of your personal, private, and secure data once it’s been destroyed – it’s just gone. Absolutely! This is ideal when you’re liquidating your personal or business tech assets.

Obtaining a Data Destruction Certificate

The benefits of absolute data destruction are many. You’ll relax knowing that personal, corporate, and client information is safe and secure. Enjoy knowing that your asset disposition company also makes the environment a priority, and your tech will be refurbished, recycled, and repurposed as it allows – no clogging up landfills! You’ll also get a return on your investment once asset disposition is complete, which you can put towards new tech! 

Want to make sure your data is completely gone and secure peace of mind for yourself? That’s where a data destruction certificate comes in. This certificate states that your data was destroyed and hard drives cleaned with lawful, compliant methods. It also includes the date and location where the absolute data destruction took place as well as a certified signature and statement that data has been destroyed by the asset disposition company, assuming all liability for destroyed data. 

Unique serial numbers are given to your assets that you can use as an audit to match up with what, where, and when secure data destruction took place. You can keep this for your records should you ever need it.

Data Destruction and Disposal Methods

Achieving absolute data destruction is easy for an experienced tech company. It’s all in a day’s work – and here’s how. NIST-certified methods of data deletion include the following:

  • Data is overwritten with numbers and characters, such as 0’s and 1’s, so it cannot be seen or retrieved.
  • Private information is completely deleted using a magnetic field. This scrambles information to the point where it cannot be recovered no matter what methods are attempted. This also destroys the hard drive, making this a foolproof method of secure data destruction.
  • Physical destruction means your HDD gets physically shredded, making data unrecoverable.

Why Opt for Absolute Data Destruction?

Absolute data destruction, along with a certificate of data destruction, is the clearest and best ways to ensure that sensitive data will never be compromised. It gives you peace of mind that your devices can be recycled or reused without any liability to you or your business.

Are you interested in finding out more about absolute data destruction? Contact PlanITROI to find out what data destruction and disposal methods we offer!

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